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Laser therapy

We offer in-house K-Laser therapy. Get in touch to learn more.

We have a Class IV Therapeutic Laser onsite.

This is available for treating a wide variety of conditions, ranging from arthritis and joint pain to soft tissue injuries and skin wounds.

Laser therapy is believed to stimulate the body’s inherent healing mechanisms via a process called photobiomodulation.

Laser therapy has been utilised in human and animal medicine for many decades, and is now used for a wider range of patients.

Normally, patient sedation/restraint is not required during treatment; indeed, in our experience most pets seem to find the experience pleasant.

Treatment times vary in length depending upon the condition and the size of your animal, but the majority are less than eight minutes.

We often find that improvement can be seen after the first visit, however for most conditions we would recommend several repeat treatments. Find out more here.

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